Work Experience

Used Git and Jira, daily for project management. Used Python and Flask in tandem with SQLAlchemy to bring data to the front-end. Used ElasticSearch, Alembic/MySQL, PostgreSQL, Quickbase, and Salesforce to store and retrieve data. Used JavaScript and React to build Front-end UIs. Lead the adoption of automated testing using Jest, Enzyme and RTL. Implemented code-quality standards using ES-lint and Pylint in our CI/CD pipeline. Configured webpack. Used serverless to test AWS lambdas locally. Set up systems involving webhooks, AWS lambdas, S3 and supervisor processes to poll SQS to collect messages added by the lambda. Used packer to build a new Docker container for our local environments to facilitate a Python3 upgrade. Built and deployed new Linux servers using packer and Terraform. Used the AWS Console to manage our systems. Configured NginX for local routing and proxying. Set up and polled standard, FIFO, and dead-letter queues in SQS.